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Differences Between Regular Filters and HEPA Filters

November 20th, 2023

Hepa filter bags

HEPA filters impact vacuum and air purifier performance. Here we look at regular filters and HEPA filters and why they are a better choice for your home.


What Does HEPA Stand For?


HEPA stands for “high-efficiency particulate air.” HEPA filters are designed to trap smaller particles than the average filter, so you have fewer particles circulating in your home. HEPA filters help reduce allergy-causing particles such as dust, pet dander, pollen, etc. that impact indoor air quality.


What is the Difference Between True and Absolute HEPA Filters?


The terms true and absolute are the same thing for HEPA filters. All HEPA filters are tested to separate true/absolute filters, from standard HEPA filters. True filters must capture at least 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns in size and are assigned a serial number that appears on packaging.


Is a HEPA-Type Filter a HEPA Filter?


No. Although they are similar, HEPA-type filters have not met the standards of a true HEPA filter. They can help capture more particles, but at a much lower rate between 85% to 90% compared to a true filter’s 99.97%.


How Do You Tell the Difference Between Regular Filters and HEPA Filters?


HEPA-type and regular filters do not have a serial number. You can also look for the test results, as only true HEPA filters include the test results on the packaging. If the package does not indicate results at 0.3 microns of 99.97% or higher, it is not a true HEPA filter.

The micron size is important, as many filters will be 99.97% or higher, but this is based on capturing larger particle sizes. The effectiveness of the true HEPA filter is its ability to capture very tiny microns and particulates.


Why Do HEPA Filters Focus on 0.3 Micron Particles?


The reason HEPA filters measure based on 0.3-micron particles is that they are the smallest and most difficult particles to filter from the air. They tend to float in the air longer, can’t be filtered through the nasal system, and can therefore get into the lungs. Once in your lungs they can enter your bloodstream and make you sick.

What is MERV?

MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values. This is a measurement applied to larger particles above 0.3 microns. The higher the MERV, the better the filter.


Why are Some Vacuums Considered HEPA Vacuums?

Differences Between Regular Filters and HEPA Filters
Lady Bug 2300 XL

HEPA vacuums are specially designed to perform using HEPA filters and bags. Although you can often fit a HEPA filter or bag into a standard vacuum, the vacuum won’t perform to the standards of a HEPA vacuum. The special seals and filters on HEPA vacuums ensure the air discharged from the vacuum is cleaned through the filtering system, while standard vacuums commonly clean air using the vacuum bag.


What is the Most Important Measurement When Buying Air Purifiers?

Cyclo UV Filter 510C
Differences Between Regular Filters and HEPA Filters-Cyclo UV Filter 510C

When purchasing an air purifier, it is more important to focus on the Clean Air Delivery Rate or CADR. This measurement tells you both the air filter efficiency and the volume of air going through the air filter. The higher the CADR number, the better.

If you are shopping for HEPA air filters, vacuum bags, vacuums or air purifiers, Vacuum Specialists have got you covered. With over 50 years of providing high-quality products and services, we can help you find the best HEPA products for your needs.


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