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Summer Sizzle: Maintaining Peak Performance for Your Vacuum in Hot Weather

February 12th, 2024

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Did you know that dust, dirt, and debris in your vacuum can impact its performance? The more dirt and debris accumulated in your vacuum, the less effective it becomes. Here are some insights on keeping your vacuum running at full capacity during the hotter months.


Why is maintenance important when you vacuum in summer?


In the summer, there are more allergens in your home, especially if you tend to keep your windows open. There are also more unpleasant odors released from your carpeting due to heat and humidity. Both odours and allergens can be reduced by improving vacuum performance. A focus on proper cleaning optimizes suction and reduces the release of particles as you vacuum.


Why is cleaning important to improve suction performance when you vacuum in summer?


Suction is the main purpose of your vacuum. Every time you use your vacuum, it attracts dirt, dust and debris, which clogs filters and hoses. Your vacuum suction weakens when there are even small blockages that interfere with airflow. By removing debris, you reduce the risk of clogs, improving suction and the ability to keep your home free of dust and debris


How do I know when my vacuum needs cleaning or repairs?


Some common signs your vacuum needs cleaning or repairs include:

  • Having to take several runs to remove noticeable debris
  • Strange noises that sound like the vacuum is straining to work
  • Odors such as must, mildew, mould or a “burning” smell


How often should I clean my vacuum in summer?

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It depends on how often you use your vacuum and whether you have pets and kids. Although we recommend cleaning your vacuum every one to three months, frequent use in hand with kids and pets calls for monthly summer cleaning. For less frequent use in pet-free households, you can get away with cleaning every three months. Of course, should you notice any of the above signs, cleaning is the first step to addressing possible functional issues.


What is required for proper maintenance for vacuums in summer?


Follow these tips to help maintain optimum summer performance:

  • Empty bags/debris containers: Be sure to empty the debris container or vacuum bag before it becomes full. For debris containers, we recommend emptying them after each use.
  • Filter replacement: Replace vacuum filters at least every six months and preferably every three months for households with pets or that vacuum frequently.
  • Remove brush debris: Check your vacuum’s brush roller and attachments after each use to look for hair and debris that will interfere with performance. Carefully unwind hair, and if necessary, use scissors to cut away the hair and debris, avoiding the bristles.
  • Don’t use a clogged vacuum: Stop using your vacuum in summer as soon as something gets caught. Turn off the machine and try to remove the clog safely. This will avoid burning out the motor.
  • Wipe away dirt: Wipe down your vacuum’s exterior surfaces every month in the summer to remove dust and debris.
  • Check belts and brushes: Check the belts and brushes in early summer and as summer winds down. Replace parts that look worn before they become too damaged to function.
  • Inspect for damage: Regularly inspect your vacuum in summer for signs of damage to the hose, canister, and parts to look for anything that will cause blockages or contribute to leaks during operation, such as cracks.


If you’re worried you might damage your vacuum in summer by cleaning and maintaining it yourself, you can also send your vacuum out for professional service once or twice a year.

The experts at Vacuum Specialists have been providing vacuum service and repairs for over 50 years. We offer free estimates in Calgary stores, with 48-hour fast turn-around inspections and pickup and delivery starting as low as $29. Click here to learn more.

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